It matters that your end-of-life journey evolves your way
Iain McKinnon
End-of-Life Coach
Have you been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness? Or perhaps you are just thinking about raising your awareness and/or planning for your or a loved one’s final stage of life.
Either way, it matters to me that we each have the option of shaping our end-of-life journey as much as we are able. This can only happen when we are fully informed and aware what choices are available to us.

My role as an end-of-life coach
I’m Iain McKinnon, a former registered nurse with palliative care experience. I’m an end-of-life coach. I’m also a funeral advocate and arranger, funeral celebrant and a palliative and aged care aromatherapist.
Comprehensive services for end-of-life choices
My services are flexible and nuanced. Whether its planning for your end-of-life journey, funeral and death care advocacy, palliative and aged care aromatherapy, resilience coaching, funeral and memorial celebrancy or talking about death and dying, there’s no right or wrong, it’s about me being there for you, honouring your wishes, and supporting your loved ones when they are at their most vulnerable. Please click on the following tabs for more detailed information.
“There is a certain relief in change, even though it be from bad to worse; as I have found travelling in a stagecoach, that it is often a comfort to shift one’s position and be bruised in a new place.”
- Anonymous
Are you or one of your loved ones going to die from a life-limiting diagnosis?