Complaints Policy
Sometimes (hopefully rarely), a client may be unhappy with the service they are receiving from me. As a single-person business, I will attempt to resolve any complaints or concerns raised with me (either verbally or in writing). If the complaint cannot be resolved immediately, I will undertake an informal resolution process. I will do so:
- In a timely manner
- By considering the information provided and seeking additional information if required
- By taking into consideration what the person making the complaint is seeking as a resolution
- By providing an initial response (in writing) outlining relevant details, any findings, and my proposal for a resolution
- By providing a final response (in writing) outlining what has been agreed and adopted
It is important to me that any complaint is resolved to both parties’ mutual satisfaction. If a complaint cannot be resolved through this informal resolution, the client may contact Consumer Affairs Victoria
This complaints policy applies to any instances whereby a client engages the services of Going: Your Way through the website, or contact made from information obtained from a business card, advertisement, or direct referral. For any services engaged by way of a third-party client or client’s website, this informal approach will still apply. However, if informal resolution does not resolve the complaint, the client may contact the relevant third party directly and access redress through the third-party’s own internal complaints procedure/policy. If I receive a complaint about a service engaged by way of a third party, I will advise said third party that I have received the complaint and copy them into any correspondence regarding the resolution of that complaint, including if I propose that, having not been able to resolve it informally, I have referred the client back to the third party to be dealt with under their own internal procedure/policy.
In rare instances, I may decide not to deal with a complaint, and if so, I will advise the client (and any relevant third party) in writing. Some of the reasons I would choose not to deal with a complaint are:
- I consider it frivolous, vexatious, misconceived, lacking in substance, or not in good faith
- I consider the complainant does not have sufficient interest in the issue
- The complaint was not made to me within 30 days from the time the event or circumstances on which the complaint is based allegedly occurred
- I consider I have already responded to the substance of the complaint
- I consider the complaint is the subject of other processes
- I consider the complaint would more appropriately be dealt with by another body
So that’s the process that will happen if you make a complaint about my service. As I say, I sincerely hope that any discontent would be relayed to me and be able to be resolved immediately, and that informal or formal resolution is not required.
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