Services /
End-of-Life Journey
Although it is fair to say that we are all on our end-of-life journey, our death being inevitable, the diagnosis of a life-limiting illness is likely to focus your attention on what matters to you for the remainder of your life. This can be months or years after your diagnosis. There is much to discuss, but questions many people reflect on include:
- Where would I want to die, at home or not?
- Where in my home would I want to be, a light-filled room with a view or a more introspective space?
- What music would I want playing, if any?
- Would I want to be surrounded by fresh flowers, favourite art and objet d’art, lots of plants, lots of visual stimuli or a more minimalist environment?
- Who would I want there? Who would I not want there?
- Who have I disconnected from in my life and do I want to reconnect with them?
- What will happen to my beloved pets?
- Do I want to access voluntary assisted dying (VAD) if I am eligible?
- If I’m not eligible for VAD would I want to consider voluntary refusal of food and fluids?
- Who will liaise with other service providers, medical professionals, hospice, palliative care, domestic help?
- Do I want to participate in a living funeral?
- What sort of funeral would I want? Do I want there to be one at all?
- What music would I want played? What poems or prose read? Who would I want to speak, or doesn’t that matter to me?
- Do I want to be buried, and if so, where? Do I own a plot?
- Would I want to be buried in a coffin or shroud?
- Do I want to be cremated? What would I want done with my cremated remains?
- Is a more environmentally or green funeral more appealing?
- Would my loved ones want to facilitate a home funeral?
- Would I want a prepaid funeral package with a preferred funeral provider?
- What natural therapies would I find helpful?
- What of my legacy, how may I record it?
- Have I considered my digital legacy, what is the plan for that?
- Are there any rituals I would like to take place before and/or after my death?
- What spiritual support do I want?
- What about respite for my loved ones?
- Would I like the holding of a vigil before or after my death?
- Who will let people know when I’ve died?
- What are my views on after-death body care? Who would I like involved?
- What about all the paperwork that will be required?
- Who will check in with my loved ones after I die?
Of course, there will be so many more questions, and this is your end-of-life journey, it will be unique! My priority is to engage with you in a compassionate, respectful and authentic way, to help you find the answers you need, connect you with appropriate services, support your loved ones, and accompany you on this most personal of journeys.
Are you or one of your loved ones going to die from a life-limiting diagnosis?