Insights /
Mornington Green - Legacy Gardens

A legacy garden with botanical garden status, this is an affordable and attractive option for those who do not yet have clear plans for their cremains. You can commence your engagement with the gardens by reserving a tree. There are many choices and locations in the garden.
Once your tree is reserved you can visit it as often as you like – bring family or loved ones for a picnic in the grounds or on the bank of the lake. When you have died, your cremains are handed over to the team who will treat them to reduce the pH and sodium levels to make them ‘plant friendly’, and then there will be a life celebration service held, with catering, where your treated cremains are buried directly into the roots of your tree during a Tree Infusion Ceremony. They will then be absorbed by the tree, so that your cremains and the tree and intertwined.
A plaque will identify you and your tree for future generations to visit and honour your legacy in perpetuity. Arrange a visit and chat to the helpful team to choose the tree and location that works for you.
Are you or one of your loved ones going to die from a life-limiting diagnosis?